Pleasant Hill marks pair of anniversaries

pleasant-hill-gatheringThe weather was pleasant and so was the conversation when friends of the Pleasant Hill Memorial gathered Oct. 9 to celebrate the 135th anniversary of the church’s construction and the 50th anniversary of the Pleasant Hill Memorial Incorporation.

Wallace Teagarden (seated, center) was honored for serving as president of the corporation for 50 years. Also honored was the family of Don and Mary Coon for many years of service.

After sharing memories and visiting, plans for the future were discussed at a brief meeting.

The Pleasant Hill Memorial Incorporation is exploring the possibility of the community “reclaiming” Pleasant Hill as a venue for weddings, family gatherings, ecumenical church activities like hymn sings, youth meetings and campouts, music events like house concerts, funerals and memorial services.

The intent is to respect the sanctuary as “holy ground”, but tents on the grounds could be set up for other functions.

The building is in solid shape but needs some work on the basement walls and the stained glass windows. The interior would benefit from paint and TLC.

“There have been so many memories made already at Pleasant Hill, and we would like for that to continue so that current and future generations will come to love it as we have,” said Pleasant Hill board member Peg Semke.

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